

OnEval is an 100% anonymous evalulation tool for university courses. It offers a simple minimalistic UI that renders nicely on desktop and mobile devices. The lack of frameworks makes it load fast and responsive on even the weakest hardware. The backend is written in PHP and, when requested, compiles an Excel csv-sheet containing the evalulation results. It also features life feedback for evaluations.


This Android App is supposed to help all Students of the University of Applied Scienece Landshut by providing all kinds of helpful information. Feature include a list of important semester dates, bus schedules, floor plan for lecures, lunch menu, a full-fledged bulletin board for students and a tool that automatically registeres the schedule of lecures into the systems calendar app.
Additionally there's an advertisement CMS for small banner ads. This is currently empty, but working and implemented. The landing page for that is located here.


I was asked to write a Website and threw this together over the course of a few weeks. It's dynamically loading content, has some nice css animations and the layout supports mobile devices. It has a pinboard to write messages on and is structured in a maintainable way. The backend is again written in PHP and the website does not use any js frameworks.

PHP SandBox

A small little sandbox to play and test php code including forms, multipages and other resources. Nothing too fancy or stable, but a quick write-up for quick testing. Storage is session based. The text-editor is ace.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. The Sponge Logo is property of the Sponge Project.

Sponge Plugins

In my sparetime I write plugins for the SpongePowered platform for the game Minecraft. The platform allows for server-side modification of the game. This allows the implementation of new Gameplay elements, Gameworld protrection and other things.
Plugin are written in Java 8. The source code for plugins is usually available on GitHub and the projects use the Gradle-Build system. Framework plugins often are configured to build through JitPack, a Maven-Dependency service for GitHub projects.


Just like everyone else, I got hooked on the word game "Wordle". More out of curiosity i rewrote the game in my native language (German, not PHP, although it uses a small bit of PHP) with words in the range of 4-6 letters instead of the fixed 5. I don't know how well the word lists will hold up that I scrapped for the database, but over 60.000 words should be more than enough. For a little more challenge, I added a secondary mode based on the original Word Mastermind, that only hows how many letters you got correct but doesnt explicitly tell you what letters are in their correct spot. As one final bonus I implemented global stats for the past 7 words.